May 2015: From TBS President Sy Kaplan

Dear members:

It is early May and the sun is shining, the flowers and the trees are blooming (sorry to those with allergies). It is a new beginning. We have out lasted the cold and snow and ice and gloom of the winter.

 April 2015: From TBS President Sy Kaplan

Dear members:

A few days before Pesach I walk into the kitchen at TBS and there are people at the sink peeling eggs, people at the stove making matzah balls. I then go into the social hall and I count 35 long tables, 300 chairs; the blue tablecloths are on, the plates, cups, silverware, napkins, salt and pepper shakers and don’t forget the Haggadahs, the Seder plates are on the table and the decorations are up. Like magic, our social hall is now a banquet hall.

 March 2015: From TBS President Sy Kaplan

Dear Members,

One of the perks of being President is that you get to sit up on the Bimah giving you a unobstructed view of the congregants. Who are the Friday night regulars, and Saturday morning regulars, who is new, who haven’t we seen in a while? I try to make sure that after services at the oneg or the Saturday Kiddush, I go to any new people, introduce myself and welcome them to TBS.

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