April 2017: From TBS President Brian Lakin
Over the past year there have been several occasions where I have been approached by committee chairs and other congregants looking to me for advice on how to recruit younger members to the various groups and activities happening around the synagogue. Now, while I am flattered that I am considered to be young enough to fall into this group, I have not really been able to come up with the magic answer that people are looking for.
March 2017: From TBS President Brian Lakin
Spring is here, and with it comes a full calendar at TBS. B’nai Mitzvah season is upon us, along with Pesach, Jazz Night and a flurry of events and activities throughout the many arms of the synagogue. As I do in many of my segments, I encourage every one of you to get involved.
February 2017: From TBS President Brian Lakin
As some of you may know, we are now beginning to prepare our committee and synagogue-wide budget for our next fiscal year. This is a complicated process that involves many hours from our volunteers, who are tasked with developing a balanced budget each year. Our synagogue’s budget is funded primarily through our dues charges however we do run fundraisers throughout the year to help to cover some of our operational costs. There has been an unfortunate trend over the last several years with some of our long-standing fundraisers and while I do not want to take space here to analyze the reasons behind these trends I do want to present some data for your consideration.
Sunday: 9:00 am
Monday-Friday: 7:15 am
Rosh Chodesh: 7:00 am
Shabbat : 9:30 am
Monday-Thurs: 6:45 pm
Kabbalat Shabbat 7:30pm