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  November 2018: From TBS President Josh Weissman

Every year, as we head toward Thanksgiving, our thoughts often turn to giving back to our communities and to helping those less fortunate than ourselves. Giving back and contributing to our communities at this time of year can take a myriad of forms, like volunteering at a Soup Kitchen or donating to a Food Pantry, to donating winter clothes or unopened toys at drives for children who may not be able to afford them. At TBS, we also have various programs established through our Social Action, one of our most active committees, focusing on Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place.

  September 2018: From TBS President Josh Weissman

Growing up, most, if not all of us, played “Follow the Leader”. It is my hope that more of us will take turns being leaders and followers. Active synagogue involvement can be achieved through both leading and following, Becoming involved, however, does not necessarily mean involvement on the Board of Directors. In June, I was thrilled to see that many Board positions, including officers, were filled by people who have either not served on the Board previously, or decided to return after a hiatus.

  August 2018: From TBS President Josh Weissman

As we head into the High Holiday season, I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing summer with friends and family. In my time at TBS, I have observed that history is one thing that our members speak of with great pride. I am reminded of this whenever talking with a longtime member or someone who grew up in the shul, and see the smiles that come from these memories. Equally as important as our history, is the present and future of TBS.

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