May 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman

In this article, I am going to step away from my usual topics and reflect on a social and societal topic. In recent months, I have been increasingly aware of concerning behaviors in school-age children that seem to be treated as more and more acceptable. Children have many sources of influence in their lives: parents and relatives, teachers, peers, elected leaders and celebrities, to name a few. All of the groups I just listed are supposed to be the people we have always expected and trusted to serve as role models. These are the people we have encouraged our children to look up to and, because of this, have been held to a higher standard.

  April 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman

As we begin to head into Spring, our calendar will be filled with B’nai Mitzvot, events and activities by Social Action, Men’s Club, Sisterhood, Adult Education and Hebrew School. There are many upcoming events and activities for members of all ages.

  March 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman

TBS is a Caring Community. We are fantastic at the caring component of this statement, and there is a lot of terrific programming happening in various facets of our shul and community. The Holidays of Purim and Passover provide us with opportunities to all come together and celebrate as one community.

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