Picture this: Ten years ago a young wife goes Temple shopping. Checking out the goods our Temple has to offer, a decision is made. This young wife and her young husband buy a home in the Spring Glen neighborhood and happily join the congregation. So,  why Temple Beth Sholom? Well- she liked Rabbi Scolnic! It’s as simple as that!

As a first grade teacher, my daily professional life is planned around seasonal celebrations. Fall activities might include leaf rubbings and animal hibernation, and winter studies might discuss   nature’s changes and Holidays Around the World. When the month of May approaches, I ask the class to reflect about the women in their lives. Last May, I shared with you a woman close to me, my mother, Florence Frohman. She continues to be an active synagogue member who assists in planning and implementing the programs at Arden House. She also takes on the responsibility of recruiting other women to polish the synagogue silver two times a year.

The hub of the synagogue, the arteries that lead to all parts of a body, the center cut- whatever we want to call the Temple office- our congregation is fortunate to have two extremely dedicated women working for the benefit of the synagogue. Together, Barbara Varga and Bobbie Kraus keep our business records in order, record and organize donations, answer the numerous questions that are called in and, of course, sell gift cards for our on-going fundraising project.

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