Easier Way to Read the Bulletin!

If you subscribe to the weekly Temple Tablet, click on the Bulletin icon in the Tablet and start reading the latest issue without needing to log in nor entering passwords.


Or for Members only

Login to Read the current and all archived, since 2009 issues of the Bulletin in COLOR

If Forgot, Obtain Username or Password from the Office



We Need Yarn
Our knitters have been providing warm hats and scarves to children and adults in our community for many years. In order to continue this mitzvah We Need Your Help. Donations of skeins of yarn or funds to purchase yarn would be greatly appreciated.
Please contact Helene at 203-281-0709 to arrange pickup.
Thank you


Join us via Zoom for Minyan and Shabbat Services: https://zoom.us/j/406004691. Our Zoom services are passcode protected. Please refer to the Temple Tablet or contact the TBS office.

If you do not have Zoom, please join us on our LiveStream page here.

Schedule of Services

Morning Minyan is held Monday-Friday at 7:15 a.m. and Sunday at 9:00 a.m. On Rosh Chodesh, Minyan begins at 7:15 a.m., and on Yom Tov Minyan begins at 9:30 a.m.

Evening Minyan is held Monday-Friday at 6:45 p.m. 

Friday night Shabbat service begins at 7:30 p.m. 

Shabbat morning service begins at 9:30 a.m.



Prayer Books

If you do not have a Siddur Sim Shalom Prayer Book, please download a copy here. When you complete, please check the boxes for the preferred services and Sim Shalom version.

If you cannot download the prayer book, please request a scanned copy from the TBS office, (203) 288-7748.

For Members Only. LOG IN and Subscribe for our Mailing List

If Forgot, Obtain Username or Password from the Office


Login to view TBS Contact Directory 2020-2021 - Rev July 8, 2020.

Will open with the free Adobe Reader or equal.

If Forgot, Obtain Username or Password from the Office



Traditionally due to privacy concerns, only TBS members, who log in, can read the on-line version of the monthly TBS Bulletin. There are three original articles in every issue that are worthy to be available to be read by the general public. Effective this May, all three will be available in the following website locations:

Rabbi's Message in the RABBI'S CORNER tab

President's Message in the PRESIDENT'S MESSAGES tab

Israel Matters! in the ISRAEL MATTERS! tab


George, your Webmaster


 How to use the new TBS Calendar/Facility Request Form

1. Click here for the new fillable TBS Calendar/Facility Request Form.

2. Fill in the blanks.

3. Print the form as a PDF to your computer.

4. Send an email with the PDF attached to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 A convenient way to use the TBS Contributions Form

Contribute Now!

1. Click here to open the updated TBS Contributions Form.

2. Fill in the blanks on page 1 using the list of Funds on page 2.

3. Print the form as a PDF to your computer.

4. Send an email with the PDF attached to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

5. Pay for your donation as selected on the form.


Cancellation of Services, Hebrew School, Meetings and Activities, due to inclement weather or otherwise, will be posted on the website Calendar. Click here to view the Calendar or call the Office at (203) 288-7748.


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