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White House Ceremony Celebrates New Era for Israel, UAE and Bahrain
Benjamin Netanyahu has complained for years about Arab leaders telling their people one thing in Arabic and diplomats saying another to Western audiences in English.
Not on this occasion.
Israel and United Arab Emirates Strike Major Diplomatic Agreement
Israel and the United Arab Emirates reached a landmark accord sealed by President Trump that could presage a broader realignment in the region as the two agreed to “full normalization of relations” in exchange for Israel suspending annexation of occupied West Bank territory.
Why History Still Matters: The 1967 Six Day War
By David Harris, CEO of the American Jewish Committee (AJC)
Mention history and it can trigger a roll of the eyes. Add the Middle East to the equation and folks might start running for the hills, unwilling to get caught up in the seemingly bottomless pit of details and disputes.
But without an understanding of what happened in the past, it’s impossible to grasp where we are today — and where we are has profound relevance for the region and the world.
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