Donations for the first three items on the list are needed by Sunday, December 21.  Please contact Diane Kaplan if you can help.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 248-8319 (evenings and weekends)

Gift cards to Walmart, Bob's, Kohl's, or other stores where four kids, ages 10-15, could buy clothes.

Gift cards to Shaws or Stop and Shop to help provide holiday food for two hungry families.

New or used MP3 players for four kids, ages 10-15, or cash to purchase them.

A used washing machine in working condition or cash to purchase a new or used one for a family with three children.

Kosher food staples to stock the Jewish Family Service Food Pantry.

Food staples to stock the shelves of the Hamden Food Bank.

Drivers willing to donate two hours a month to take temple members to doctor's appointments.

Literacy volunteers to read to elementary school children an hour per week.

Volunteers to serve meals on the last Sunday of the month at the Downtown Evening Soup Kitchen.