I was unable to organize a shipment of holiday gifts for our Jewish troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, so I am planning a different mailing this year, this one in time for Purim. It certainly would be appropriate to send Mishloach Manot in the form of hamentaschen and snacks. It would also be great to include leisure time activity items such as CDs or DVDs, puzzle books, magazines, and small games, as well as health and hygiene items such as hand sanitizers, toothpaste and toothbrushes, etc. If you and/or your children would like to write a letter or enclose a card that would also be very much appreciated.
I have a list of about twenty-five names, and I would like to prepare these packages on a Sunday, February 22 at TBS after the Adult Education program (ca. 11:00 AM). If you can help, by donating items, contributing to underwrite the shipping costs, packing the boxes, or taking packages to the post office, please contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or at 248-8319 (evenings and weekends).