For the last few years, Temple Beth Sholom has collected noisy food on Purim. We bring cans of tuna or baked beans that can be banged< together to drown out Hamen's evil name. We use packages of rice, macaroni and cheese, or cereal for groggers. Plastic jars of nuts also make nifty noise makers. This year we will contributing all non-perishable foods we collect to the Hamden Food Bank. When you
shop this week, shake a few items right into your cart, and don't forget to bring them with you to the megillah reading.
I will have a different type of grogger, a large water jug for collecting your spare change. This will be the beginning of fund
raising for our Walk Against Hunger team. The Walk Against Hunger will take place on Sunday, May 3 in East Rock Park. Funds collected help the Connecticut Food Bank provide food to 650 food- assistance programs such as soup kitchens, shelters, food pantries, and adult and child day care centers. If you are interested in joining our walk team, please contact me.
Diane Kaplan
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248-8319 (evenings and weekends)