For the past few years, TBS has sent Chanukah packages to our service men and women serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. This year, since Chanukah comes early, we need to have packages in the mail by November 4. I am hoping to pack and prepare at least thirty-six gift boxes on Sunday, November 4, after the Men's Club breakfast (around 11:00). Most of these will go to an individual, and the boxes will be small, since they ship quicker. We do not need to make the contents of each package identical.
There are many ways you can help.
1. Shop for items that are morale boosters and bring them to TBS on Sunday, November 4: basic hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, wipes, tube socks). Some troops have access to these but others do not. What we send will always save our soldiers money.
Kosher snacks, including foil-wrapped Chanukah gelt coins and "winter foods" for which you just need to add hot water to such as powdered hot drink mixes (hot chocolate packets, instant coffee-regular and flavored), flavored coffee creamer powder, dehydrated soup mix, packets of instant oatmeal, cookies, granola bars, dried fruits, pretzels, and nuts in snack-size packs, candies.
Fun items, diversions, puzzle books, recent magazines, DVDs, CDs, disposable cameras, pocket-size games, paperback books.
2. Write a card or letter to include in a package. Children can create cards or bookmarks.
3. Write a check to Temple Beth Sholom marked for the Rabbi's Discretionary Fund to help defray the mailing costs. Individual packages in flat rate priority mail boxes cost $8.95 to mail.
4. Come on November 4th and help pack.
5. Be available to take packages to the post office on November 5th.
If you have any questions about what help you can offer, please call Diane (evenings and weekends) at 248-8319 or e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.