My monthly series, All in the Temple, will return next month. In the meantime, please enjoy this infomercial…
Music plays.
A woman is standing in front of her favorite grocery store speaking to the television audience.
Are you tired of going to the bank for extra cash to shop for food?
Are you paying high interest rates on your charge card?
Are you hungry for a sale item at your favorite grocery store but, didn’t have the cash on you?
The changing economy has hit all of us and Temple Beth Sholom is no exception. The Board of Directors is committed to keeping Temple Beth Sholom fiscally stable and viable, despite these difficult economic times. We are vigorously pursing many financial options. The time to act is before a financial crisis hits the Temple. Therefore, it is time to take advantage of the best fundraiser the temple has to offer.
You might ask how? Let me explain. A typical family spends about $600 a month on groceries. Besides groceries at Stop And Shop, Shoprite, Everybody’s , Big Y, Shaw’s and Crown Supermarket, you can also purchase household items, kitchenware, cards, DVDs , books, other restaurant and store gift cards and even gifts!
When you purchase gift cards, Temple Beth Sholom earns between 2-5% for every $100.This is a donation without any additional money out of your pocket. Our yearly profit could be has much as $72,000 if every family purchased these cards.
You are all part of Temple Beth Sholom’s caring community. You can help without feeling a pinch in your wallet! Contact the Temple office and you will be directed to the Temple member who can sell you gift cards -- or stop by and our lovely staff will be happy to assist you!
Music fades.
The woman walks into the grocery store with gift card in hand.
Do you have an item hidden deep in your closet? How about gently used furniture? dishes? a gift you never really liked?
You can donate it to the SECOND TIME AROUND AUCTION.
Are you addicted to tag sales? Do you love to go to an estate sale? Moving sales? This auction is where you might find that one of a kind collectible or antique! So, start looking for items this winter!
We will be contacting you to be part of the committee and to donate items.
Music fades.
Commercials are repeated so often on television until the audience can say the tag lines. Are you one who tunes them out? I ask that you don’t tune us out! Try to remember these tag lines:
“Temple runs on Congregants.”
“We’re a caring community.”
“We’re in the neighborhood.”
“Can you hear me now?”
Please hear us now! Help us avoid the difficult decision to raise dues next year. Support your Temple by purchasing gift cards, making donations, attending services and buying at the auction.
Thank you.
And now, a Public Service Announcement.
Many thanks to Marni & Stuart Katz and Steve Schulefand. You and your wonderful committee members planned and implemented a beautiful tribute that celebrated Rabbi Scolnic’s first 25 years at TBS. All your efforts are most appreciated.