A synagogue’s purpose is the transmission of Judaism.  Since one of the central aspects of Jewish law is kashruth (keeping kosher), the synagogue kitchen is not just a place where things must be done according to law.  It is also, in a real sense, a classroom, where people who may not know much about these matters can learn and, hopefully, be inspired to inculcate these practices in their own lives.
     Sometimes we will be consciously more strict than we might need to be in order to educate, or keep things clear and defined for those who may just be learning.
     Conservative Judaism is insistent on keeping and conserving our traditions and our way of life.  Thank you for your respect and your interest.                                            
                                                       Rabbi Scolnic

   It is the policy of this congregation to maintain kashrut in its kitchen, building, and grounds and at all functions on its premises.  We ask for your cooperation and assistance in helping us maintain this standard.

   Image NO prepared foods may be brought into our Temple from an individual’s home or any restaurant.  Only kosher establishments approved by the Rabbi through the Ritual Vice-President may be used.   Any packaged or prepared food item i.e. baked goods, cookies, crackers, and similar snack-type foods that are brought in, must be closed or sealed and have a registered kosher identification symbol (hekhsher) with the delineation of pareve, dairy, or meat, unless pre-approved by the Rabbi through the Ritual Vice-President.  Soda, apple juice, coffee, and tea are the only exceptions for hekhsher identification.  A hekhsher indicates the product has been carefully supervised and backed by an approved rabbinic body, which assures the kashrut of the product and its fitness for use in our synagogue. These symbols are usually easy to spot on food labels, usually near the product name.  Some also have dairy (D), meat (M), or pareve near the kashrut certification symbol.
