June 2020: From TBS President Josh Weissman
Over the course of the last 2 years, our world has changed more than any of us could have foreseen. We experienced the end of our innocence 18 months ago with the shooting in Pittsburgh, and the complete disruption of our lives during the current pandemic. Despite all of the public uncertainty, scare and adversity, we have never allowed the concerns to evolve into panic and alarm.
Throughout these difficult times, no services or observances have been missed. During times and events that could have easily led to declining attendance and participation, we have actually witnessed an increase in involvement and attendance.
To minimize the impact to the overall operations, services and rituals to the extent that we have been able to has taken a lot of coordinated effort from many people. I want to extend my most sincere gratitude to all of you who answered the call and contributed time, energy and money to make our efforts successful.
I also want to thank all those who have served as Officers, Board Members and Trustees and help to provide the collective leadership our synagogue required to navigate these trying times, as well as all of the non-Board members who stepped up to help. It is my hope that the collaborative efforts of our membership will continue for the next President and her Board.
Thank you and stay safe!
Josh Weissman
TBS President