October 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman
“We’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time with great anticipation, and now it’s here.” Anyone who has attended Bnai Mitzvot at Temple Beth Sholom recognizes these words as the Rabbi’s official opening of the weekend on Friday night. In that same spirit, I now take this opportunity to turn the tables on the Rabbi. With this High Holiday season, Rabbi Scolnic has been our spiritual leader for 36 years. In recognition of this milestone, a roast will be held on November 10 in his honor.
Every large event requires a team and a great deal of time, work and coordination to make sure everything is right. This is no different, and I want to thank and commend everyone on the committee for the time and effort they have put into making this happen. The other thing that impacts the success of events like this, of course, is money. For those who have not yet signed on as a Sponsor or made other contributions, there is still time. Sponsorships and donations for the Rabbi’s roast are being accepted through October 24. Please contact the temple Office for more information or to make your donation.
We have been looking forward to this milestone for a long time, with great anticipation…and now it’s almost here. I hope that as many of you as possible will attend this celebration of Rabbi Scolnic.
Josh Weissman
TBS President