July/August 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman
We are now finally heading into Summer, which means we have passed a couple of important dates in the calendar. First, Installation has taken place, and the slate of Nominees has been approved and the newest TBS leaders have been sworn in. I would like to thank Brian Lakin for being the Chair of this year’s Nominating Committee. I know that it was not easy, but at no time did I doubt that you would assemble a fantastic Board. Secondly, we have now begun the new Fiscal year, which means that the 2019-2020 Officers, Directors and Trustees terms have officially begun, including the new President-elect. Thank you to all who answered the call and accepted the challenge.
The last year was, without question, one of change and challenge. However, I believe it was also one that we, the TBS family, have emerged from stronger and better off.
While our building is more secure now as a result of the actions we have already taken, there is still more that needs to be done.
I also want to take this opportunity to address our younger families, and families with older children/young adults. During this last year, we focused on programs and activities geared toward involving young families, like the Shabbat Around the World dinner series, the monthly Tot Shabbat program, and the recently held Once We Were
Strangers weekend. We are now planning for next year and need your input, so I would ask you to think about the following questions: What programs and activities would
interest you at TBS? What events would you become involved with and attend with your family?
We want to hear from you so that together we can plan great events for everyone.
I wish you all a great and fun summer!
Josh Weissman
TBS President