June 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman
We are all aware of the recent shooting at the Chabad in the San Diego area in late April – just when we thought we might be able to move beyond the Tree of Life shooting. This latest incident, along with additional school shootings, serves as a sad and unfortunate reminder that security must remain a priority. The ramp up of violence over the last 2 years has effectively ended our children being able to count on schools and places of worship as sanctuaries and safe havens.
With all of the above being said, the events of recent weeks have underscored the need to continue improving overall security at TBS. We will continue our practices of locking our doors during services, meetings and Hebrew School, utilizing our electronic access system and employing personnel for activities like Shabbat services and large events. Another unfortunate reality is that the cost of enhanced security is more than just the inconvenience of changing our routines. There is, of course, a monetary cost involved as well, and we are investigating different options for funding our security needs.
While there may be public sources like grants available, our own individual contributions are just as important in being able to keep our synagogue as safe as we can possibly make it, now and in the future. I am asking everyone to please give what they can toward securing our building and preserving our peace of mind. The more we all share in the cost, the greater the benefit to all.
Unquestioned safety and secure when attending services or anything at TBS, or any house of worship, is something that should be a right enjoyed by all and infringed upon by none.
Josh Weissman
TBS President