March 2019: From TBS President Josh Weissman
TBS is a Caring Community. We are fantastic at the caring component of this statement, and there is a lot of terrific programming happening in various facets of our shul and community. The Holidays of Purim and Passover provide us with opportunities to all come together and celebrate as one community.
These are two Holidays that are built around celebrating together as a people. Our Megillah reading on Purim has always featured well-costumed participants, with our Hebrew School children reading previews of each chapter, followed by an adult reading the chapter from the scroll. The highpoint of the evening is always the annual parade, when the costumes are put on display for all to see. April will bring Passover, when the story of our people’s freedom is retold by the community, with the teaching of the children by adults being a central theme of the Seder. At TBS, Passover has recently been highlighted by our Community Second Seder.
At TBS, every arm of the synagogue is a vital piece of our community. Our community-oriented programming doesn’t stop after the Purim and Passover activities have ended. The Shabbat Around the World dinner series will be continuing throughout the Spring, with the Yemen being the next destination in March. Programming by various groups at TBS, including: Hebrew School, Adult Education, Social Action, Men’s Club and Sisterhood, to name a few, provide members of all ages and interests with different activities. This is an important and valued piece of our congregation.
Another important piece is that we all work together as one to continually improve our community. Collaboration between groups on programming makes for better quality and better attended events. While I am not suggesting that every activity should be co-sponsored, I believe that all arms of the synagogue benefit when they work in conjunction with each other. This Spring, I encourage you all to become involved to keep our caring community thriving.
Chag Purim Sameach!
Josh Weissman
TBS President