August 2018: From TBS President Josh Weissman
As we head into the High Holiday season, I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing summer with friends and family. In my time at TBS, I have observed that history is one thing that our members speak of with great pride. I am reminded of this whenever talking with a longtime member or someone who grew up in the shul, and see the smiles that come from these memories. Equally as important as our history, is the present and future of TBS.
Earlier this summer, we celebrated the retirement of Barbara Varga, our longtime Bookkeeper. Like many, I attended
the dinner we held in her honor. As I made my way around the room that evening, I noticed many of those same smiles and emotions. Throughout the course of the evening, the numerous speakers and presenters told stories of the past, filled with memories of Barbara and how much she had become part of the fabric of the synagogue. The list of presenters was a crosssection of the TBS time continuum including past Presidents and our K’tanim children. At the party, the TBS staff provided a timeline, as our past (Barbara, Bobbi and Charlie), present (Travis and Roberta) and future (Jessica) were all represented at one table.
In closing, I would like to thank Barbara for her 21 years of dedicated service to Temple Beth Sholom. Also, welcome to our new Office Manager/Bookkeeper, Jessica Dzierlatka, with whom we are looking forward to a great future at TBS.
I wish everyone in the TBS community a Healthy and Happy New Year.
L’Shana Tovah
Josh Weissman
TBS President