April 2018: From TBS President Brian Lakin
Spring is finally here. Well, sort of. Regardless of the temperature outside, the calendar says that it’s time for our spring holidays and activities. We have B’nai Mitzvah, we have holidays, we have fundraisers and social action activities. We have classes for young and old and both Men’s Club and Sisterhood have a full schedule of programs coming up. Chances are excellent that we have something going on this spring to pique your interest.
On top of this, the Board of Directors is
going to be participating in some of the
regular business matters that keep the
synagogue running smoothly, like reviewing budgets
and voting on nominees to next year’s Board and Officer
positions, both tremendously important responsibilities.
What is the one thing missing from all of this? You. None
of these activities, fundraisers or Board actions have a
purpose if you, the congregation, don’t participate and
take advantage. Our committees are always on the hunt
for new and different ideas. By the time this article is
published, a new Social Action event, The Catskills at
TBS, will have run. This event was a collaboration of
several different committees and groups within the
synagogue and was a new idea this year. Our Ways &
Means Committee is working hard to bring us Dancing
With the TBS Stars which will match TBS celebrities
with local professional dancers for a night of fun
competition. Finally, we have book clubs, lectures, poker
night and many, many other programs going this spring.
The only thing that we need for these programs to be
successful is you.
Brian Lakin
TBS President