January 2017: From TBS President Brian Lakin
I am happy to be a member of Temple Beth Sholom, and I hope that you are too. Sometimes when we are a part of a community for a length of time we forget how special that group is.
As President I feel that it is my job to point out the things that make us great, to remind us all why we continue to be members of this organization. As a congregation, we are
there to help each other. To help each other celebrate our many simcha, to lean on each other during our times of need; this is what our mishpacha, our family is there for. In addition to taking care of ourselves, we have a tremendous group of people who work constantly to help take care of others. Whether it is shopping for and delivering food to the local pantry,
collecting or making clothes for those who can’t afford it or volunteering to donate blood or platelets to the Red Cross – these things show how our synagogue truly is “A Caring Community”.
Brian Lakin
TBS President