September 2015: From TBS President Sy Kaplan
Now that Labor Day has come and gone, and the lazy days of summer are over, we all have to shift gears.
From shorts and bare feet to long pants and shoes, our mind set is now getting our families back to school and preparing ourselves for the High Holidays that suddenly appear, where did they come from so quickly. Another year, what did we do in 5775 and what do we hope to do in 5776?
As for me personally, I can't complain. A few aches and qvetches (it comes with getting older). My family is healthy and my grandson keeps me on my toes.
This message is being written before Rosh Hashanah. At this time of year, TBS is a beehive of activity. So much is happening. Hebrew School is starting and so is K'Tanim.
Preparations are being made, chairs being delivered, books to be put out. Lists of who does what and when. All the things to do to make services go smoothly.
I look forward to seeing you at services and to welcome our new members
My wish for you is a healthy and Happy New Year, to get involved in TBS activity. There is so much gong on, classes, lectures, social action and of course, religious services.
L'shana Tova