January 2015: From TBS President Sy Kaplan
Dear members:
Thanksgiving night and our guests have gone, the table has been cleared, the dishes, pots and pans are washed, the leftovers have been put away, it is time for Eta and I to sit back and relax and think about what has happened this day. We are so thankful for all we have, our family, our friends, our health (sure we have our aches and kvetches, the knees are not working like they used to, but we are still upright and getting along).
To show our appreciation for what we have, we chose to share our good fortune. We may not be able to give large money donations, we give what we can and so we give of our time. We serve on different committees and projects to help TBS going forward.
You too, can show your appreciation for what you have by helping those who are less fortunate. Our social action committee has so many ways to give back; visit someone in a nursing home or call a shut in and brighten their day. Somewhere in this bulletin is a committee or fund you might want to join or give to. Tzuduka – charity is a very Jewish thing - a mitzvah.
Sy Kaplan