Thanksgiving is Coming
We're close to a month away from Thanksgiving and it's time again to help several families selected by our social worker contact at the DCF of New Haven. Helping these client families will be an ongoing project throughout the year to which Diane Kaplan, of blessed memory, was so committed.
This year's families consist of 6 adults and 12 children. Our goal is to fill baskets for each of the 5 families with traditional Thanksgiving fare ie., canned vegetables, cranberry sauces, bags of stuffing mix, various pastas, canned fruits, cake mixes and any other non-perishable food you can think of. There will be a box in the social hall, just outside of the kitchen for your donations. We will also be collecting money to supplement the baskets and buy gift certificates so the clients can purchase their turkey. If you'd like to make a donation, please write the check to " The Diane Kaplan Social Action Committee Fund."