The Isaiah Food Project is Temple Beth Sholom’s ongoing initiative providing specifically identified grocery items to area food banks every month. Since it started in September of this year, there have been multiple deliveries to both the Jewish Family Service and the Hamden Food Banks. Approximately $250 was spent per delivery per food bank which meant that over 200 lbs of food was delivered to each agency each month.
The Hebrew School students have now joined the Isaiah Fund Project in providing these groceries, thereby increasing the items we can donate. There will be a decorated container at the Temple with two specific requests needed for the month. When you see the sign, please keep these items in mind as you shop and drop them off the next time you are at the synagogue.
Targeted items for December are tuna fish and cans of soup.
Also, please consider making donations to the Isaiah Fund allowing Temple Beth Sholom to expand this project, especially in these hard economic times. Your contributions can be made ‘in honor of’ or ‘in thanks to’ and will be noted in the Temple Bulletin.
For further information about the Isaiah Food Project, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Ruth, Fran or Carol.